Here I put the story of the scouts's establishment. Those who don't like to read that much, you can skip it and go to the explanation about how the scouts organize themselves.

The scouts's establishment

The organization of the scouts in Mexico

The scouts's establishment

On the past century an English (called by the way with a very long name: Robert Stephenson Smith and other) who is mentioned as Lord Baden Powell or Lord B. P., se le ocurrió to organize an association in which the boys could learn to live with nature, educate themselves and join in a world movement. In those days he established the scouts, and took the first ones to the Brownsea island to the first scout camp of the history. In a Jamboree in which was raining he said these words (more or less):

"Anybody can camp with good weather, but it's needed to be a scout to camp when it's raining"

In time were being created the minor and major sections, like the lobatos ("cubs") or the rovers (I'll explain what are they later); and were being established scouts organizations in other countries.

The organization of the scouts in Mexico

In Mexico the official scout organization is the Asociación de Scouts de México A. C. (ASMAC). I want to make clear that they aren't the boy scouts, but the scouts of Mexico.

The scouts are organized in sections according to the age. In all sections is given a promesa scout ("scout promise") (the neckerchief or scarf) and the flor de lis ("lily flower") that indicates that you're scout.

The sections are: